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Calm Waters

talks & events

to inquire on speaking events, please get in touch


  • 23 August. "Time has Come to a Stop: Pacific Historicities on a Plantation Frontier." Plenary: Environmental History, Environmental Humanities, and More-than-human Approaches from the Pacific. 4th World Congress of Environmental History. Oulo.

  • 11 July. "Activist-Research as Method: Possibilities and Challenges." Messing with Methods Workshop. University of Sydney and University of Western Sydney. Sydney.

  • 4 July. "Book Launch: Hedgehogs, Killing and Kindness and After Eating.” With Lindsay Kelley, Laura McLauchlan, and Blanche Verlie. Gleebooks. Discussant.

  • 4 July. “Leveraging Feminist Approaches to Care in Times of Crisis.” Information session: Workshops Program 2025. Academy of the Social Sciences of Australia.

  • 2 July. “Re-Imagining the Laws of Nature - Storying Rules of Hyperconnected Futures.” Public seminar with Michelle Lim. The Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law and the Sydney Environment Institute. Discussant.
    6 June. "The Promise of Multispecies Justice." Go-Just and Meat-Igation Webinar Series.

  • 24 May. "In the Shadow of the Palms: Book Discussion." Universite Libre de Bruxelles and University Saint Louis. Brussels.

  • 21 May. “Arts of Multispecies Mourning: Grieving as Resistance in the Papuan Plantationocene." Czech Institute of Ethnology. Prague.

  • 14 May.“More-Than-Human Entanglements on the Papuan Plantation Frontier.” Department of Anthropology. University of Edinburgh. 

  • 8 May.“Metabolic Justice: Hunger, Ecology, and Nourishment on the Papuan Plantation Frontier.” Department of Anthropology and Food Studies Center. School of Oriental and African Studies. London.

  • 6 May.“Skinship, Scarship: Plantation Violence and Multispecies Vulnerabilities in West Papua.” Anthropology of the Built Environment: Ethnographic Explorations of Infrastructural and Technoscientific Projects. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Paris.

  • 24 April. Plantations as Naturecultures: A View from West Papua.” Hybridity: Unravelling the Nexus of Domestication and Wild. Australian National University.

  • 11 Apr.“Multispecies Mourning: Grief and Resistance on a Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Department of Anthropology. University of Amsterdam.

  • 8 Apr.“Roundtable 1: Socio-Legal Subjects in Global and ‘Anthropocene’ Contexts.” Constitutionalizing in the Anthropocene. Tilburg University.

  • 9 Apr.“Roundtable 4: The Inhuman as Refusal.” Constitutionalizing in the Anthropocene. Tilburg University. 

  • 11 Mar. “Multispecies Mourning - Grief and Resistance in an Age of Ecological Undoing.” The Iain McCalman Lecture. Sydney Environment Institute.

  • 1 Mar. “Metabolic Justice: Relations of Eating and Being Eaten in the Teeth of Racial Colonial Capitalism.” Plataforma Latinoamericana de Humanidades Ambientales.


  • 15 Dec. “The Promise of Multispecies Justice.” Constitutionalizing the Anthropocene. Tilburg University.

  • 24 Nov. "Cartographies of Resistance: The Multispecies Poetics and Politics of Indigenous Mapping in West Papua.” IX Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia (IX ReACT). Goiania, Goiás. Keynote.

  • 18 Nov. “Transforming The Role of the Fieldworker for Environmental Justice.” Roundtable. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Toronto.

  • 18 Nov. “Interspecies Edges of the Global South: Comparing Critical Transitions of Multispecies Life Across South America and Southeast Asia.” Roundtable. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Toronto.

  • 17 Nov. “Metabolic (In)justice: Nutrition and Nourishment in the Teeth of Racial Colonial Capitalism.” Roundtable. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Toronto.

  • 11 Nov. “Plantationscapes in West Papua: More-than-human Agencies on a Settler-Colonized Extractive Frontier.” Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference. Honolulu.

  • “Keynote: After Latour, Legacies and Trajectories.” Terrestrial Politics in Uncertain Times. Institute for Culture and Society Conference 2023. Western Sydney University. With Stephen Muecke and Dipesh Chakrabarty.

  • 21 Oct. “The Oceania Observatory – Humanities for the Environment.” Indigenizing Oceanic Commons. Taiwan Council of Indigenous Peoples.

  • 29 Sep. “Social Justice and Environmental Change in West Papua: A Social Science Perspective.” Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e. Dili. Guest speaker.

  • 26 Sep. In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Movimentu Letras. Dili. Guest speaker.

  • 11 Sep. "Storytelling your Research." Australian Network of Student Anthropologists.

  • 8 Sep. "Mapping Value: Cartographic Conundrums on the West Papuan Plantation Frontier." Value Frontiers Across Locations and Landscapes: Anthropological Perspectives. University of Helsinki.

  • 21 Aug. “Multispecies Mourning: Grieving as Resistance on the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Australian National University. 

  • 13 Jul. "Mourning Biodiversity Loss in West Papua. On Biodiversity: History, Heritage, and Research in Asia. Asia Research Institute. National University of Singapore.

  • 10 Jul. "Eating and Being Eaten: The Meanings of Hunger among Marind, West Papua.” Tsinghua University.

  • 3 Jul.“Patchy Artfulness: Exploratory Insights from the West Papuan Plantation Frontier.” Multispecies Ethnography and Artistic Methods (MEAM) Network. Keynote.

  • 4 May. "In the Shadow of the Palms: Industrial Plantations as Zones of More-Than-Human Extinction, Extraction, and Emergence." Erasmus University of Rotterdam.

  • 3 May. "Multispecies Mourning: Grieving as Resistance on the West Papuan Plantation Frontier." Wageningen University

  • 2 May. “Extinction, Extraction, Emergence: Plantation Necrobiopolitics on the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Leiden University. 

  • 1 May. "Plantation Modernities and Beyond-Human Imaginaries." International Institute of Social Studies at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.​

  • 26 Apr. "In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua." Università degli Studi di Milano.

  • 19 Apr. "Mourning Waste."Materials in Flux. Prada Frames/Formafantasma. Milan. Available online.

  • 10 Apr. "Gastrocolonialism di Liputan Hutan dan Lingkungan." Rainforest Journalist Fund. Pulitzer Center. Available online.

  • 30 Mar. “Time has Come to a Stop: Temporalities of Loss and Resistance on the West Papuan Plantation Frontier.” The Pacific Circle. Available online.

  • 24 Mar. “Plantation Modernities and Beyond-Human Imaginaries: Insights from the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Critical Anthropocene Speaker Series. Concordia University.

  • 9 Feb. “We are (not) Monkeys: Raciality, Animality, and Cosmopolitical Struggles in Indonesian West Papua.” Ronald and Janette Gatty Lecture Series. Cornell University.

  • 4 Feb. “Race, Gender, and Gastrocolonialism – Indigenous Critiques from the West Papuan Plantation Frontier.” Race, Health and Asymmetries of the Human. Sydney Center for Healthy Societies.


  • 10 Dec. “The Government of Beans: 4S Carson Prize Panel with Kregg Hetherington.” Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios Sociales (ESOCITE) Conference. Cholula. Discussant. 

  • 5 Dec. “Time has Come to a Stop: Temporalities of Loss and Resistance on the West Papuan Plantation Frontier.” Department of Anthropology. University of Pennsylvania. 

  • 1 Dec. "Decolonial Research in More-Than-Human Worlds." More-Than-Human Seminar Series. School of Geography and the Environment. University of Oxford. 

  • 29 Nov. "Human-Vegetal Childhoods: Insights from a Papuan Plantationocene.” Department of Anthropology. Université Libre de Bruxelles.

  • 21 Nov. “The End of Time: Loss and Resistance on the Papuan Plantation Frontier.” Department of Anthropology. University of California Santa Cruz

  • 18 Nov. “Since Oil Palm Arrived, Time has Come to a Stop: Indigenous Temporalities in the West Papuan Agribusiness Nexus.” Department of Anthropology. Purdue University.

  • 15 Nov. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Southeast Asia Center, Comparative History of Ideas Department, and Department of Anthropology. University of Washington

  • 2 Nov. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Unsettling Political Ecologies Occasional Seminar Series. Center for Political Theory. Cardiff University.

  • 28 Oct.“Indigenous Standpoints and Beyond-Human Imaginaries: Insights from the Pacific in an Age of Ecological Unravelling.” Cambridge University Social Anthropology Society. Cambridge University.

  • 27 Oct. “From Plantation Logic to Beyond-Human Imaginaries: Insights from the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Joel Kahn Anthropology Lecture. La Trobe University. 

  • 25 Oct.“Crafting Humanimal Histories: Anticipatory Reflections on Some Methodological, Conceptual, and Ethical Stakes.” Centre for Environmental History. Australian National University. Available online.

  • 19 Oct. “Eating and Being Eaten: Indigenous Philosophies of Hunger and Nourishment on the Papuan Resource Frontier.” Metabolic Matterings Workshop. Deakin University. Keynote. Available online.

  • 28 Sep. “Discourses of Development.” Luce Southeast Asia in Transition Webinar Series. Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

  • 28 Sep. “In the Shadow of the Palms – Sophie Chao in Conversation with Giovanni Aloi.” Botanical Speculations. 

  • 26 Sep. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Greenhouse Environmental Humanities Book Talks. The University of Stavanger. Available online.

  • 13 Sep. Thinkfeeling our Way through the Climate Crisis: A Reflection on Coalitional Strategies in an Age of Planetary Unmaking.” Climate Distress Dialogue. Headspace Camperdown. University of Sydney.

  • 11 Sep. “Book Talk: In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Federal Republic of West Papua Department of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Trade (DFAIT). 

  • 2 Sep. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings on the West Papuan Plantation Frontier.” Southeast Asian Studies Cluster. School of Humanities. Nanyang Technological University

  • 18 Aug. “Nourishing Labor: Dietary Practices during Pregnancy among the Marind-Anim of Indonesian New Guinea.” Diets in Pregnancy of First Nation Peoples: What can we Learn? Charles Perkins Centre.

  • 5 Aug. “Book Launch: In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Gleebooks.

  • 28 Jul. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Department of Anthropology. University of Queensland

  • “Worlds of Gray and Green: Mineral Extraction as Ecological Practice.” with Sebastián Ureta. Occasional Talks Series. Sydney Environment Institute. Discussant. Available online.

  • 21 Jul. “Practices of Care in the Contemporary World.” From Theory to Practice: Leveraging Feminist Approaches to Care at a Time of Crisis. The Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender, University of Adelaide. Panelist.

  • 6 Jun. “Plants as Persons, Forests as Kin: Indigenous Philosophies of Vegetal Coexistence.” On Forest: Symposium. Prada Frames/Formafantasma. Milan. Available online.

  • 13 May. “Blackness, Indigeneity, Ecology: Perspectives from the West Papuan Plantation Frontier.” The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH). University of Oxford. 

  • 13 May. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography. University of Oxford. 

  • 11 May. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” The Global Lives of the Orangutan (Department of Social Anthropology), the Tunku/Malay World Studies research community (St Catharine’s College) and Centre for South Asian Studies. University of Cambridge. 

  • 10 May. “In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua.” Forum for Asian Studies and Department of Anthropology. Stockholm University. 

  • 5 – 6 May. Eco-graphy – Exploring Relational Methods. Stockholm University. Workshop participant.

  • 29 Apr.  “Extraction, Extinction, Emergence: Insights from the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Plantation After/Lives: The Roots, Routes, and Relations of Plantation Ecologies. The University of Texas at Austin

  • 28 Apr. “The Promise of Multispecies Justice.” Animal Studies Working Group. Stanford University

  • 5 Apr. “Decolonizing the Field(s): Insights from the Pacific in an Age of Planetary Unraveling.” Building Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Conference. Postcolonial Studies Centre. Nottingham Trent University. Keynote. Available online.

  • 31 Mar. “Eating and Being Eaten: Ecologies of Hunger and the Non-Innocence of Writing Violence.” Sydney Environment Institute.

  • 17 Mar. “In the Shadow of the Palms.” School of People, Environment, and Planning. Massey University. 

  • 11 Mar. “We are (Not) Monkeys: A Conversation on Race, Ecology, and Cosmopolitics in West Papua.” Indian Animal Studies Collective. Available online.

  • 10 Mar. “Between Parasitism and Mutuality: Multispecies Ethnography in Plantation Ecologies.” Ethnography Lab. University of Toronto. 

  • 9 Mar. “Multispecies Studies: A Conversation on Methods.” School of Social and Cultural Studies . Victoria University of Wellington.

  • 8 Mar. “The Promise of Multispecies Justice.” The Anthropocene and More-Than-Human World Seminar Series. Nottingham University

  • 24 Feb. “Ethnographic Fieldwork – Participant Observation.” Methods Lab. Sydney Environment Institute.

  • 23 Feb. “In the Shadow of the Palms.” AMOR MUNDI Multispecies Ecological Worldmaking Lab. Chiang Mai University. Available online.

  • 11 Feb. “The Promise of Multispecies Justice.” 8th Frontiers in Environmental Law Colloquium. Available online.

  • 27 Jan. "Book Talk: In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua."Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania.


  • 7 Dec. “Book Launch: Subjects of Intergenerational Justice – Philosophy, the Environment and Relationships.” Sydney Environment Institute. 

  • 24 Nov. “The Promise of Multispecies Justice.” Care, Sacrifice, and Justice in Multispecies Worlds: Rethinking Connections in a Time of Crises. Environmental Humanities Research Stream and Shadow Places Network. Available online.

  • 19 Nov. “(Un)Worlding the Plantationocene: Insights from the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” 52nd Annual Academy Symposium: Culture, Nature, Climate: Humanities & the Environmental Crisis. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Available online.

  • 12 Nov. “Multispecies Mourning: Grieving as Resistance on the Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Department of Anthropology. New York University. Available online.

  • 26 Oct. “Can There be Justice Here? Indigenous Perspectives from the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change: Issues, Challenges, and Coping Mechanisms. Central University of Karnataka. Keynote. Available online.

  • 24 Sep. “Food, Work, and Radical Care.” Hi’ilei Julia Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart. Food Matters and Materialities. Carleton University. Keynote discussant.

  • 16 Sep. “Culture, Environment, Diet: Indigenous Food-Based Identities, Ecologies, and Socialities in West Papua.” Sydney Health Ethics.

  • 1 Jun. “Multispecies Studies: An Introduction.” Skepseis Distinguished Lecture Series. Royal Thimphu College. Royal University of Bhutan. 

  • 25 May. “Palm Oil Nightmares, Empathy Dreaming.” Reworlding: Assembling (Fragments of) a Politics of Wholeness. HeartPolitics.

  • 16 Apr. “Growing Plants and People in a Papuan Plantationocene.” A Conversation on the Plantationocene. Cornell University. 

  • 9 Apr. “Sago: A Storied Species of West Papua.” The Mind of Plants Symposium.

  • 31 Mar. “Mapping Plantation Soundscapes: Insights from the West Papuan Oil Palm Nexus.” Listening to the Anthropocene through the Sounds of Plantations. Acts of Listening Lab. Concordia University. 

  • 31 Mar. “Flora, Fauna, and Fieldwork: Insights from the West Papuan Oil Palm Frontier.” Guest speaker. Forest Peoples Programme.

  • 20 Mar. “‘Patchy Places’ and Ecologies of Capitalism.” Placing: New Engagements with the ‘Environment’. University of Pennsylvania. 

  • 13 Mar. “Environmental Justice and Sustainability in West Papua.” Student Environmental Resource Center. University of California Berkeley.

  • 5 Mar. “The Meaning of Hunger among Marind, West Papua.” Center for Southeast Asian Studies. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

  • 24 Jan. “Entanglements.” Requiem: Sydney Festival. Sydney. Panelist.

  • 22 Jan. “An Endangered Menagerie.” Requiem: Sydney Festival. Sydney. Panelist.


  • 24 Nov. “From PhD to Book. Recent Experiences in the Publishing Industry.” Asian Studies Association of Australia.

  • 10 Nov. “Taking Plants and People Seriously: Multispecies Entanglements in the West Papuan Oil Palm Nexus.” 4A_Lab: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics. Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut. 

  • 2 Oct. “Beetle or Bug? Multispecies Politics in the Papuan Oil Palm Nexus.” Department of Anthropology. London School of Economics. 

  • 25 Sep. “Land Use Change and Impacts on Health and Livelihoods: Experiences from West Papua.” Universitas Udayana, Bali. 

  • 21 Sep. “West Papua – Depths of Loss and Heights of Resistance.” Global Forest Coalition. 

  • 16 Sep. “Vegetal Ontologies in the West Papuan Oil Palm Nexus.” Department of Anthropology. University of Melbourne. 

  • 24 Aug. “Multispecies Resistance and Collaboration in the West Papuan Oil Palm Nexus.” Department of History and Philosophy of Science . University of Sydney.

  • 30 Jul. “The Beetle or the Bug? Multispecies Resistance and Collaboration in the West Papuan Oil Palm Nexus.” Department of Anthropology Seminar Series. University of Waikato. 

  • 14 Jul. “The Promise of Multispecies Justice: Thinking across Sites, Scales, and Species.” Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, Multispecies Justice: Virtual Symposium. Sydney Environment Institute. 

  • 6 Jul. “Getting Sh*t Done – With Sophie Chao.” PhD and Higher Degree Research Seminar. Macquarie University. 

  • 25 Jun. “There are no Straight Lines in Nature: Mapping Multispecies Worlds in West Papua.” Territorial Agency: Oceans in Transformation. 

  • 18 Feb. “Invasives or Allies? The Multispecies Biopolitics of Oil Palm Ecologies in West Papua, Indonesia.” When Species Travel: On the Rise and Consequence of Invasive Ecologies in Asia and the West Pacific. Asia Research Institute and Yale–NUS College. 

  • 28 Jan. “Plants as Kin, Plants as Foe: Sago and Oil Palm Ontologies in Indonesian West Papua.” Oriental Society of Australia.


  • 28 Nov. “Development, Deforestation, Dispossession – Experiences in Merauke, West Papua.” Pacific Institute, Australian National University. 

  • 19 Sep. “More-Than-Human Environmental Subjects in the West Papuan Oil Palm Nexus.” Tomorrow’s Country: Environmentality after “Recognition.” Alfred Deakin Institute.

  • 13 Sep. “The Plastic Cassowary: Problematic Pets in West Papua.” Gender and Cultural Studies Seminar Series. University of Sydney.

  • 26 Aug. “Wrathful Ancestors, Corporate Sorcerers: Rituals Gone Rogue in Merauke, West Papua.” School of Languages and Cultures and Sydney Southeast Asia Centre Seminar. University of Sydney. 

  • 22 Aug. “Maps That Won’t Sit Still: Cartographic Conundrums in a West Papuan Village.” Department of Anthropology. University of Sydney. 

  • 7 Aug. “Pressure Points: Topographies of Violence in West Papua.” School of Geosciences. University of Sydney. 

  • 6 Aug. “Children of the Palms: Growing Plants and Growing People in Merauke, West Papua.” Sydney Pacific Studies Network. 

  • 12 Jul. “Mapping More-Than-Human Worlds in an Age of Extinction.” The (Re)Emergence of Nature in Culture II. Sydney Environment Institute. 

  • 8 Jul. “Culture in Conversation: Creating Inclusive Food Communities.” Sydney Environment Institute, FoodLab Sydney, YARN Australia, and University of Sydney Union. 

  • 19 Jun. “Biodiversity and Extinction: Indigenous Perspectives on Multispecies Justice in West Papua.” Sydney Ideas: Biodiversity and Extinction – Can we Achieve Justice for All? University of Sydney. 

  • 13 Jun. “Economies After Plantationocene Capitalism: Lessons Towards Multispecies Justice from the West Papuan Oil Palm Sector” Economies after Anthropocene Roundtable. Sydney Environment Institute.

  • 4 Jun. “Food, Culture, Hunger: Towards a Field in Ethnonutrition?” Charles Perkins Centre Seminar Series. University of Sydney. 

  • 31 May. “Strange Flesh, Strange Fluids: Transforming Bodies and Selves in a West Papuan Agro-Industrial Zone.” Meeting the Human Halfway. Biopolitics of Science Research Network. University of Sydney. 

  • 23 Apr. “Keamanan Pangan dan Budaya Sagu di Merauke, Papua: Penilaian Metodologi dan Teori Anthropologis.” Dialog Selasa Siang. Department of Indonesian Studies. University of Sydney. 

  • 17 Apr. “Eating and Being Eaten: Gastro-Politics in a West Papuan Village.” Department of History Seminar Series. University of Sydney. 

  • 13 Mar. “Human Rights in the Palm Oil Sector.” National Training Course: Non-Knowledge: Vectors of Inventiveness. Institut des Hautes Études pour la Science et la Technologie.

  • 12 Oct. “The Plastic Cassowary: Problematic Pets in West Papua.” Anthropology Colloquium. Macquarie University. 


  • 23 Aug 2024. Plenary: Environmental History, Environmental Humanities, and More-than-human Approaches from the Pacific. 4th World Congress of Environmental History. Oulo. With Emily O’Gorman. 

  • 11 Jul 2024. Messing with Methods: A Social Sciences HDR Workshop. Discipline of Anthropology (University of Sydney) and Institute for Culture and Society (University of Western Sydney). Sydney. With Malini Sur. 

  • 16 Nov 2023. Metabolic In/Justice. Roundtable. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Toronto. With Emily Yates-Doerr and Jessica Hardin.

  • 11 Nov 2023. More-Than-Human Landscapes. Panel. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Honolulu. With Thom van Dooren, Pierre du Plessis, and Zachary Caple. 

  • 27 – 29 Jun 2023. Beyond Bios: An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Sydney Environment Institute. With David Schlosberg and Christine Winter.

  • 6 Jun 2023. Capitalism, Colonialism, and Multispecies Justice. Sydney Environment Institute. With Danielle Celermajer.

  • 2 Dec 2022. Plantations and Epistemic Imperialism: Between Ecological Form and Enduring Logic. Panel. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios Sociales (ESOCITE) Conference. Cholula. With Kregg Hetherington and Alyssa Paredes.

  • 12 Nov 2022. Plantations Today: Race, Coloniality, and Corporate Agriculture Beyond the Black Atlantic. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Seattle. With Tania Murray Li and Chris Krupa.

  • 15 Sep 2022. Ultimate Peer Review: Hunger - An Indigenous Theory from West Papua. With Craig Santos Perez. Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre.

  • 20 – 21 Jul 2022. From Theory to Practice: Leveraging Feminist Approaches to Care at a Time of Crisis. Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. With Megan Warin, Christine Beasley, and Prudence Black.

  • 15 Jul 2022. Nourishing Futures: Food, Health, and Diet in Times of Crisis. Australian Food, Society, and Culture Network Annual Symposium. Co-sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, Sydney Business School, and Charles Perkins Center. Co-organized with Teresa Davis.

  • 22 Mar 2021. Plantationocene in Southeast Asia. Panel. Association for Asian Studies Conference. With Aida Arosoaie.

  • 1 Dec 2021. Multispecies Relations: Care and Creativity in Times of Crisis. Panel. Australian Anthropological Society Conference. With Anne Galloway and Laura MacLauchlan.

  • 24 Nov – 1 Dec 2020. Visual Media Program. Australian Anthropological Society Annual Conference. With Ute Eickelkamp.

  • 6 – 7 Aug 2020. Interdisciplinarity in a More-Than-Human World. Sydney Environment Institute. 

  • 5 Dec 2019. Life and Death, Sacred and Secular: Thinking With and Beyond Species in a More-Than-Human World. Panel. Australian Anthropological Society Conference. Canberra. With Laura MacLauchlan.

  • 15 Nov 2019. Data, Diets, Digitalism: Emergent Food Research Methodologies. Annual Symposium of the Australian Food, Society, and Culture Network. Co-organized with Teresa Davis and John Coveney.

  • 3 – 7 Feb 2019. Field-Working, Field-Building Retreat for HDR Students. With Astrida Neimanis, Danielle Celermajer, and Christine Winter.

  • 26 – 27 Sep 2019. Real-World Impact: Identifying and Implementing Solutions. Charles Perkins EMCR Symposium. University of Sydney.

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