i acknowledge the custodians of the lands i work and live on, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation and the Darramuragal people of the Darug nation
i offer my respects to their elders past, present, and emergent, and to their kin - human, vegetal, animal, and elemental
the lands of Gadigal and Darramuragal were taken without consent, treaty, or compensation
they are lands whose stories have historically been stolen, silenced, and sanitized
they are lands of ongoing Indigenous survivance, continuance, and resurgence
Indigenous lands - always have been, always will be

an overview of my research, publications, and media features
to find out more, click the tabs above
Duke University Press, 2022
Contributor(s): Margaret Leanne (M. L.) Clark, Radhika Govindrajan, Zsuzsanna Ihar, Noriko Ishiyama, Elizabeth Lara, Jia Hui Lee, Kristina M. Lyons, Michael Marder, Alyssa Paredes, Craig Santos Perez, Kim Tallbear
“Questions of the ecological and biopolitical raise questions of justice—environmental, racial, restorative, reparative, transformative, recognition-based, transitional, generative, abolitionist, participatory. The essays and interventions in this decisively frame-shifting collection engage with the entangled bank of justice relations with commitment and care, asking who benefits, who is harmed, and who counts in projects in which matters of multifariously embodied life are at stake.” — Stefan Helmreich, author of Sounding the Limits of Life: Essays in the Anthropology of Biology and Beyond
October 2022 | ISBN: 978-1-4780-1889-6
Use coupon code E22PRMSE to save 30% at dukeupress.edu
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review exerpts
"The Promise of Multispecies Justice offers a striking example of how multispecies justice studies can envision alternatives to ineffective political paradigms during this moment of profound loss and opportunity."—Nathaniel Otjen, Humanimalia
“I love each of this volume’s essays and the geographic and disciplinary diversity they represent. The creative work, poetry, topics, and approaches to justice included are exceptionally thought-provoking. This outstanding and delightful book is an incredibly welcome contribution to the interdisciplinary study of multispecies relations.”—Eleana J. Kim, author of Making Peace with Nature: Ecological Encounters Along the Korean DMZ
"The Promise of Multispecies Justice highlights various forms of justice waiting to be addressed among humans and nonhumans, raising alternative aesthetic sensibilities to balance the inequality in the multiple worlds through a shift in ideological, judicial, and spiritual unpacking. It challenges the vocabulary of existing literature to establish generative justice—to transform oppressive system(s). It also challenges the institutions where the politics of knowledge is produced—to balance the equilibrium of justice."—Akshadeep Roy, H-Environment
"This vibrant edited volume is an eclectic collection of essays that identify and define different types of justice enacted across various interactions between species (including but not centering humans). Complex concepts including, e.g., intersectionality, capabilities-centered approaches, and decentering of the human are used in multiple ways, putting this text on the cutting edge of justice theory and theoretical framing of multispecies studies."—S.M. Weiss, Choice
"Los capítulos de ensayos, poesía, arte y encuadres de este volumen son poderosos y generativos, y también lo serán para aquellos interesados en la justicia social, los estudios multiespecies, o para cualquiera preocupado por la injusticia humana y no humana que caracteriza gran parte del movimiento contemporáneo."—Maron Greenleaf, Estudios Públicos
"The Promise of Multispecies Justice [offers] a hopeful topic for people to engage, even after upsetting current displays of social injustice continue to plague us. Recentering and reconsidering a multitude of focal points through the lens of justice may provide a wider view of the ways in which we are all connected, across the animal kingdom."—Iris Lee, American Natural History Museum
"These refreshing insights reconceptualize traditional qualifiers to describe how the dynamics of justice shifts across time and space. In blurring conventional justices—climate, environmental, social—we are guided by analytics that intersect race, gender, class, and species. The authors remind us that naming
justices and injustices provides stories of both incremental hope and lasting nightmare in the reorganization of epistemological, ontological, and political promise. Each volume expands Western
continental philosophy and political theory related to rights and capabilities, ever resistant to human mastery and institutional capture."—Kellen Copeland, American Ethnologist
"The Promise of Multispecies Justice provides novel and thought-provoking perspectives concerning the experience of injustice and justice. It is a compulsory read for scholars in many fields, from the diverse fields of human, social, and life sciences. It is relevant and valuable for anyone interested in how to transit towards a fairer society."—Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Anthropology Book Forum
"Donna Haraway first wrote for us about ‘multispecies justice.’ 14 years later, 14 multidisciplinary thinkers collectively trace the evolution of this concept and related ideas. They do this playfully, at times provocatively, and always in unexpected ways, intent on expanding the boundaries of ethnographic research. They open new windows into the complex intersectionalities of multispecies, environmental, and social justice worlds."—Andreja Phillips, Commoning Ethnography
Forest Peoples Programme, Sawit Watch, and TUK Indonesia, 2013
Growing demand for palm oil is fueling the large-scale expansion of oil palm plantations across Southeast Asia and Africa. Concerns about the environmental and social impacts of monocrops led in 2004 to the establishment of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), which encourages oil palm expansion in ways that do not destroy high conservation values or cause social conflict. In line with international law, member companies must respect the collective right of Indigenous peoples and other local communities to give or withhold their consent prior to the development of oil palm on the lands they own, inhabit and use. This edited volume draws on sixteen independent case studies from seven countries in Asia and Africa to assess whether companies are keeping their promises.
Forest Peoples Programme, 2012
Large-scale land acquisitions in Southeast Asia, sometimes known as 'land grabs,' are facilitated to promote export-oriented agriculture and land development, and have become a matter of international concern. This report offers seven national updates for the Southeast Asian nation-states of Burma/Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and the Philippines. It examines what laws and policies exist in national human rights frameworks that could ensure respect for rights in land development and recommends possible solutions to problems identified. As well as summarising trends in investment, trade, crop development and land tenure arrangements, the studies focus on land and forest tenure and human rights challenges.
Forest Peoples Programme and Sawit Watch, 2012
This report documents the proceedings of a four-day conference on ‘Human Rights and Agribusiness: Plural Legal Approaches to Conflict Resolution, Institutional Strengthening and Legal Reform’ (Bali, 2011), convened by the Indonesian Government’s National Human Rights Commission. This high level meeting brought together the heads of human rights commissions of the region, notable academics, NGOs and indigenous peoples’ organisations with the purpose of developing a regional standard on human rights and agribusiness. The Bali Declaration on Human Rights and Agribusiness which resulted from this meeting, reminds companies of their legal obligation to fulfil their responsibilities to respect human rights and calls on States to protect the rights of their citizens, including Indigenous Peoples, in the face of unprecedented pressures from agribusiness. .
Forest Peoples Programme and SawitWatch, 2011
Palm oil is a basic ingredient of much of the processed food we eat and the most widely used oil in cosmetics and household cleaners. At the same time, the careless development of oil palm is destroying forests, wiping out endangered species, polluting air and waterways, driving climate change, dispossessing Indigenous peoples, and immiserating the rural poor. This edited volume documents in detail, and for the first time, how oil palm plantations are expanding in different ways across South East Asia. It complements experiences in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea with new investigative case studies of the processes of oil palm expansion in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. This volume is the sixth in a series of reports published by the Forest Peoples Programme and SawitWatch, and other partners, about the social implications of oil palm expansion.
November 2011 | 978-979-15188-6-4 | read online
Forest Peoples Programme and Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), 2011
The forests of Southeast Asia are home to tens of millions of people whose rights to lands are only weakly secured in national constitutions and laws. International human rights treaties now affirm the rights of Indigenous peoples and clearly recognize their rights to own and control the lands, territories, and natural resources that they have traditionally owned, occupied, or otherwise used. This volume reveals how the majority of Southeast Asian countries already have plural legal systems in place and that the basis for securing Indigenous peoples' rights through a revalidation of customary law exists. Through detailed case studies, the volume foregrounds legal pluralism as a central element within Indigenous peoples' struggle for the recognition of their rights.
November 2011 | ISBN: 978-616-90611-7-5 | read online
a selection of peer-reviewed and not-for profit edited volumes